
The Montfort Bros’s commitment to quality, service and selection make The Montfort Group Companies your only choice for masonry products, tools and accessories.

With The Montfort Bros, our customers are also guaranteed top quality masonry supplies, right from the beginning of the project to its end, at excellent prices. We also offer excellent quality customer services and quick and timely response. This facilitates masons and builders to deliver their projects well on time.

Eco Friendly

As Hudson Valley’s leading manufacturer of concrete masonry products, Montfort has taken the lead in the development of innovative and environmentally friendly masonry solutions. We have made the commitment to manage our Company operations with an eye to the absolute best environmental practices. Through our action as a company, we intend to influence in a positive and unmistakable way the communities in which Montfort’s customers and employees live and work. Through our products, we want to help the community pay the positive influence forward by helping to create projects of low-environmental impact. Additionally, we believe it is important to share with our customers the environmental benefits of our manufactured products.

Eco-friendly benefits of masonry include:

• Termite Resistant – Exterior walls made of masonry means there’s no wood to eat!
• Superior Sound Proofing – Masonry blocks out noise better than traditional building materials, resulting in a quieter home environment.
• Lower Utility Bills – Concrete block, combined with ‘thermal mass’ insulation systems, stores more energy, meaning it stays warmer in winter and cooler in summer, reducing electric consumption, therefore lower utility bills. Proper landscaping can also help further reduce energy costs.
• Increased Resale Appeal – There’s a widely-held opinion, supported by studies, that masonry homes offer a greater resale value in the Tri-State Area than other forms of construction. Key reasons are the fact that masonry homes are high quality, low maintenance homes.
• Environmentally-Friendly “Green” Products – Masonry products play a large role in ecologically responsible building methods. Masonry products are earth-friendly because they do not deplete precious natural and limited resources like timber.